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dr seuss pick up lines 2024

dr seuss pick up lines

Hello dr seuss pick up lines friends, how are you all, so today I have brought very good pick up lines for you, seeing this pick up offline, you will be blown away. I believe doctor cc who has tried to let the pic be offline friend friends I believe two ccs I believe dr seuss pick up lines very best and very beneficial to my four friends Because of the problem, see friends, there is a huge list, your work is going to be done well.

dr seuss pick up lines :

  • I love someone who knows what wine goes with red fish or blue fish.
  • Marvin K. Mooney, will you please come now?
  • Hey, you wanna, hop on pop
  • Did you read Dr. Seuss as a kid? Because green eggs and… damn.
  • How’d you like to be in my next book: ‘Great Legs and Ass’?
  • That’s not the only place this Sneetch has a star, Baby.
  • In all of Hooterville, where there’s Hooters supreme, yours are the best of the Hooters I’ve seen.
  • I love someone who knows what wine goes with red fish or blue fish.
  • Wanna see my cat inna hat?

  • Is that a Cat in your Hat or are you just happy to see me?
  • From far or near or here or there, haven’t I seen you before somewhere?
  • Hey, sleep with me. I am not scary. I’m really rich. I’m Drew Carey.
  • On a boat, in a car, with your toes all curled – Oh, the places we’ll go when I rock your world.
  • I said what I meant, I meant what I said,I’m hung like an elephant,Just bring me to bed
  • I may not like Green ham or eggs, but I sure love your long, thin legs.
  • I hate this place – the crowd’s so phony! Say, care to ride me like a pony?
  • Have you tried this new drink? You know that you should. It has both parts fizzhoofink, and both parts are good.
  • Marvin K. Mooney, will you please come now?.?

  • Hey, sleep with me.I am not scary.I’m really rich.I’m Drew Carey.
  • I love someone who knows what wine goes with red fish or blue fish.
  • Sally from Whoville, what’s your sign? Let’s blow this joint — your thneed or mine?
  • Each book makes a million, a zillion, or three. Would you, could you, come home with me?
  • From far or near or here or there, haven’t I seen you before somewhere?
  • One fish, Two fish My place, Your place?
  • My heart ain’t the only thing two sizes too large, if you know what I mean.
  • Fish. I’ll do it.
  • Have you ridden a golden croc? Or would you prefer my rock?
  • Have you ridden a golden croc? Or would you prefer my c0©k?
  • Hop on pop?
  • Is that a Cat in your Hat or are you just happy to see me?

  • Sally from Whoville, what’s your sign? Let’s blow this joint — your thneed or mine?
  • Did you read Dr. Seuss as a kid? Because green eggs and… damn!
  • How’d you like to be in my next book: ‘Great Legs and A$$’
  • With a figglefluff there, in the tall greenest grass. I couldn’t help notice your magnificent ass.
  • would you could you, suck my c0©k?would you could you, by the dock?
  • How’d you like to be in my next book: ‘Great Legs and Ass’?
  • I may not like Green ham or eggs, but I sure love your long, thin legs.
  • Y’know, after he stole it, the Grinch hid Christmas – in my pants.
  • My heart ain’t the only thing two sizes too large, if you know what I mean.
  • Hey, sleep with me.I am not scary.I’m really rich.I’m Drew Carey.
  • I hate this place – the crowd’s so phony. Say, care to ride me like a pony?
  • would you could you, kiss my lips? would you could you, by the dips?
  • I said what I meant, I meant what I said,I’m hung like an elephant,Just bring me to bed.

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Best Funny dr seuss pick up lines :

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Final Word :

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